Strategic Aims Supported


Strategic Aim 2. Information, Digital Literacy & Digital Creativity 
Project Type

An individual application involving all North Ayrshire primary, secondary and Additional Support Need (ASN) Schools. 

The Project

The Building Better Readers project provided skills, resources, and leadership to help North Ayrshire School Libraries to become a rich and collaborative network to nurture confident and enthusiastic readers.

It inspired a reading culture across primary and ASN schools and strengthened links with secondary schools and public libraries in North Ayrshire.

Project Summary

Building Better Readers ToolkitAs part of the project a Library Development Officer (LDO) was recruited to work with 37 of the 54 primary and Additional Support Needs (ASN) schools.

To encourage reading a Pupil Monitor scheme was put in place and a buddying system between schools called Book Blethers was developed.  

This resulted in more children engaging in reading through programmes and events. The project also provided opportunities for readers to come together to share a love of reading in schools and libraries. A paired reading programme trained 35 pupils to support pupils who had fears around reading.

The Building Better Readers is now available online for other schools to help promote literacy in their school libraries.