1.2 Improve wellbeing and support post COVID-19 recovery with programs which target health, economic growth, and strengthen communities
1.5 Reflect the rich and diverse communities in both library resources and programming to make them accessible to all
2.2 Design library services which reach the heart of communities and engage with new audiences
3.3 Collaborate with partners to contribute towards the sustainable development agenda for 2030
This project created Climate Hubs within each of the South Ayrshire branch libraries which highlight and promote better awareness of the impact that human behaviour has on existing natural resources and the planet.
A series of workshops and talks brought groups and local communities together to explore ways of working together to create positive change.
“I had such a wonderful time last night with Troon Ladies Circle and Troon Ladies Tangent at a Lampshade making workshop. As always lots of fun and laughter. Thanks so much Little Plum Production for the fabulous master class and to Prestwick Library (South Ayrshire Libraries) for the amazing opportunity, it has definitely inspired up to make more of our own.”
“I enjoyed making the lampshade at the workshop. It was fun & my hubby was very impressed with my lampshade, it went straight up into our lounge. Thank you to both SAL for the opportunity & Jasna for her tuition.. Long may it last!”
The workshops have provided evidence that individuals are skilled in recycling to help achieve sustainability contributing to the circular economy. As staff have become aware of, and engaged in, library projects bringing people together to develop life skills, it is recognised that not only do we contribute to the circular economy but there is a clearly defined role in tackling poverty. We anticipate a huge interest in future sessions in today’s uncertain economic climate amid the cost-of-living crisis.
The outcomes of the projects have been:
- Reducing the use of single-use plastics such as water bottles within South Ayrshire
- Helping South Ayrshire Council meet its environmental and waste management objectives
- Seeing less waste will go to landfill
- Enabling people share resources and repurpose unwanted goods
- Teaching local people that they way they live has a direct impact on their quality of life and the impact they have on their local environments and the small changes they make lead to huge benefits for themselves, their friends and neighbours and the planet.