Strategic Aim 1: Advocacy
Strategic Aim 2: Standards
Strategic Aim 3: Innovation
Strategic Aim 4: Partnership
A collaborative project with Scottish public libraries and archive collections.
The project developed online resources delivering training in collections care and preventative conservation to both National Library of Scotland staff and more widely across the Scottish library sector.
The NLS constructed a panel of peers to help better understand the needs of library services across the country with collections. This then helped to develop the online material and ultimately how it was delivered.
The online resources used work carried out by the National Library of Scotland as examples, sharing the knowledge and skills they have developed as well as upskilling and connecting with those in the wider sector working with collections.
It supported four of SLIC's Strategic Aims. Advocacy: by promoting knowledge of good collections care practices. Standards: by embedding and raising the standards of collections care. Innovation: using imaginative training solutions and Partnership: working closely with colleagues from public libraries and the archive sector to ensure training best suited their needs.
Over the last few years the National Library of Scotland has invested heavily in developing its own online training. This has been a valuable addition to the library's extensive training programme.
This project allowed the NLS to share its expertise in Collection Care with other professionals throughout Scotland. Topics covered within the training include object handling, book structure, preventative conservation topics and the ten agents of deterioration.
The package of online training was developed in collaboration with collections professionals and other library services across Scotland.
It has helped the National Library of Scotland to extend how it provides support and advice in a very important area of expertise.