1.1 Embed libraries as lead contributors to reading and literacy by closing the learning gap in communities, through national programmes and local initiatives.
1.3 Encourage active citizenship through access to trusted, accurate information which empowers communities to make informed decisions
1.5 Reflect the rich and diverse communities in both library resources and programming to make them accessible to all
2.2 Design library services which reach the heart of communities and engage with new audiences
The Jock Tamson's Bairns project sought to build up a bank of resources that would challenge children and young adults (0–25 years) to think about themes of equality, diversity, social justice issues and human rights.
The project complement's South Ayrshire's 2020 Read Woke project which took place in South Ayrshire secondary schools by taking it to a wider more diverse community. This was supported by a series of talks, workshops and author visits on related subjects e.g. refugees, LGBT+ rights, food poverty, diversity, bullying, racism and domestic violence.
The project has opened up new opportunities. For instance, the library service has been invited to join the Wallacetown Community Engagement Group - giving access to a number of new opportunities and potential partners to work with the community. These links are continuing to be explored by the project Engagement Assistant.
The outcomes of this project were:
- Working with voluntary sector organisations was a great opportunity to work with 18–25-year-olds and we will continue to work with them to ensure this group see the library as relevant and welcoming.
- The stock will always be available and will be updated as part of our ongoing stock selection process ensuring that the promotion of equality and the development of understanding, and empathy is a cornerstone of the ethos of South Ayrshire Libraries.
- This project will continue as part of the Libraries Service Improvement Plan over the next few years.
- Early Years Centres in the local area are modelling the work we did with Wallacetown EYC, ‘All Kinds of People’, to introduce diversity and inclusion at an early age.