'School libraries in Scotland contribute to health literacy, social and mental wellbeing, and provide a safe, trusted space for children and young people to be nurtured.'

To support health and wellbeing, children and young people require access to a flexible space for reflection and conversation where learning and creativity are encouraged in a nurturing environment. Primary schools often have designated spaces in classrooms for reading, relaxation and quiet-time. Secondary schools have an independent space in the school building to provide a library, separate to classrooms with dedicated resources and materials for cross curricular learning. 

The space should be multi-purpose and provide access for pupils who may experience barriers to learning, such as those with Additional Support Needs (ASN), including reluctant learners and pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL). They also encourage reading for pleasure, which studies have shown is linked to reduced stress, increased empathy and higher levels of individual wellbeing.

On site visits, vulnerable pupils, reluctant learners and pupils with ASN have stated that the school library is an essential part of their learning experience. School librarians will work closely with Learning Support and should be supported by the pastoral policy of the school, with appropriate development programmes.

A School Library Improvement Fund project from 2021

More on the 2020 SLIF Project 

A School Library Improvement Fund project from 2018