'School libraries in Scotland use digital technology to deliver high quality and efficient digital learning experiences for young people, enabling access to information and creative opportunities.'

Digital literacy is an essential skill set for the workforce of the future, and evidence shows these skills are increasingly having an impact on future social and economic wellbeing.

The Scottish Government set out a vision for Scotland as a vibrant, inclusive, open and outward looking digital nation in their Digital Strategy for Scotland. In recognition of the challenges facing young people in the information age and concerns about the reliability of some media sources, information literacy and digital literacy are core skills to be developed in Curriculum for Excellence.

School librarians have an important role in ensuring that children and young people build the skills required to navigate and evaluate information effectively.

School librarians are, by both their training and nature of their work, skilled in engaging with the digital landscape. This makes them crucial to achieving the key outcomes to develop a digital society, ensuring pupils are given the opportunity to develop the skills to navigate information critically and effectively.

More on the 2020 SLIF Project 

A School Library Improvement Fund project from 2021

A project from the School Library Improvement Fund in 2018