
The SOURCES that you consult to provide evidence for your self-evaluation document will overlap across the four key areas of the indicators. Your evaluation should aim to show how your library services can demonstrate the following aspects. 

Key Themes

The KEY THEMES in this quality indicator are all interconnected and interdependent.

1. Library services are designed to reach the heart of communities and engage with new audiences.

2. Services and programming reflect the rich and diverse cultures and communities of Scotland and provide an offer celebrating local and national heritage.

3. Services encourage economic and cultural growth within communities through stimulating new ideas and co-creation.

4. Services work collaboratively to support the wellbeing and resilience of communities.  

Key Things To Think About

1. Co-creation and working with the community, partnership working, community outreach, stakeholder engagement and consultation, innovation.

2. Programmes, initiatives and partnerships that support and showcase the diverse cultures of communities, resources (print and digital) that enable their story to be told (such as local studies materials, spaces and staffing), engagement with regional or national cultural or heritage initiatives.

3. Programmes, initiatives and partnerships that support health and wellbeing for individuals and for the community, and those that support societal or economic resilience.