
The SOURCES that you consult to provide evidence for your self-evaluation document will overlap across the four key areas of the indicators. Your evaluation should aim to show how your library services can demonstrate the following aspects. 

Key Themes

The Key Themes in this Quality Indicator are all interconnected and interdependent:

1. The library has high quality physical and digital spaces that responed to evolving needs.

2. The library caters for people with diverse needs in tersm of sufficiency, range, and suitability of resources, services and programming.

3. The library encourages active citizenship through access to trusted, accurate information that empowers people to make informed choices.

4. The library has an embedded culture as a principal contributor to developing reading, literacy, numeracy through local and national initiatives.

Key Things to Think about

1. How the diverse needs of users are identified and met, stock selections and acquisition including evidence-based stock management, strategies and approaches for reader development (including, for example, book groups or author events), management and promotion of collections, partnerships with other agencies and organisations.

2. The range and suitablity of resources (both print and digital), formats, languages and accessibility, range and suitablity of services, specialist information provision ( e.g. in support of education or business), range and suitablity of programming and activities, role as a digital enabler, new or innovative services.

3. Branch distribution and availability (locations and opening times), home or mobile provision, digital provision, remote services and access, digital infasttructure and governance.